Product Group
Doors, Fire Doors
AT 740 FR EI30

System Description

The exterior fire door with CE mark can easily be installed in the AT 740 FR EI 30 system. The AT 740 SI system serves as the basis, making practically predestined for exterior use. Of course fire doors combined with smoke control or even strict smoke control doors for exterior use can be created with this system. A thoroughly flexible door system. Or you may also call it a multifunctional door!
By using double or triple insulated glass it will certainly meed insulation requirements! Apart from using the profiles from the base system and the respective accessories, eliminating coolant make a strong case for this system. It is very easy to install and hardly any different from a standard door. So you can easily implement fire doors with leaves about 1450 x 2500 mm in size.

360° view
2D cut section
Product Specifications

Installation Depths

Frame 75 mm, door leaf 75 mm, glazing bars 75 mm


up to 44 mm with fire protection glass*²

Fire Protection

as per EN 1634-1

*² = e.g. Pyrostop 30-17 and 30-18 as double and triple insulating glass as well as Promaglas F1-30”

Leaf weight

max. 205 kg

Smoke control

as per EN 1634-3

Panic function

as per DIN EN 179 / 1125


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AT 740 FR EI30

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